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Is a prayer warrior/when her mother was dying, she asked the Lord: 

"What are we going to do when these praying saints die off?"


Talofa Lava!

Hello!  I am just like you...

I leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight when I'm tired...

Our children get upset with each other and argue at the dinner table when they are tired...

My husband gets upset with me and hurts my feelings - but of course - that is only when he is tired.


But - God has wonderful plan for my life, just as he has for yours.  His plan for you is very different from mine, but He does have a plan.


As a wife, mother, grandmother, missionary, teacher, and author - I am on a journey to live my life for the Lord - and I encourage you to as well.

This is a book I have written about miracles based on my experiences from my Nazarene Missions in Samoa

She has never seen any visions or heard any booming voices, but she felt God said, "You pray"

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